merry belated christmas everyone! tired. feel like dying =|
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
after so many days of trying, but still...
only you could make me smile happily inside my heart.
you're the one that i'm longing for...
Posted by yujie at 1:51 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
2. wanna eat those nice nice seafood!
3. wanna experience life.
4. wanna experience home stay.
5. heard friends said the expedition is awesome.
6. friends asked me go.
7. boring staying at home.
8. too much money too waste. (i'm joking)
9. TO BECOME FITTER and THINNER! (my main purpose) =)
hmmm, i'm going to blog about jia kent's prom too. let the pictures do the talking!

last but not least, i wanna post some LLC pictures also. i became so much tanner after that camp. =/

bye! i'm off!
Posted by yujie at 11:34 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
hello readers i'm back from LLC. actually two days ago. the camp was seriously too awesome until i can't describe it. had fun together with woon, chee ken, fook lee, jun yew, kee wei, su qi, andrea, fui swen, destinee, tiara. and not to forget CHERYL! let's start from 1st day.
1st day
i can say this is the most boring day among everyday because we don't know each other (those who are not from my school) well yet. we met the facilitators, two mid-aged malay men- atuk and ah chan. they both are very fit man. heh. we did cat crawl and trust fall. we started our bandwagon at night and we couldn't finish it.
2nd day
we did rappelling and abseilling, and we already started fooling around with the guitar singing stupid songs. heh we formed a band name ' ob blackZ ' , lame right. rafting is our next program and i can say it was awesome! we did the boat with simple materials and yet it floated. my whole team did a very great job and eventually we got first place. we played cobweb at night, cheryl did great job! thumbs up! my group won it again.
3rd day
to be continued
i'm off!
Posted by yujie at 1:48 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by yujie at 4:06 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Suk Munn!
She is pretty!
Look at the picts, so hot rite?
hehe, hope you'll like this munn! stay hot! and oh yea try controlling your temper, Mozilla Firefox is way better than IE!
Posted by yujie at 6:30 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Where You Ought To Be
Where You Ought To Be lyrics
You create your own situation
Put yourself Where you ought to be
So much is wrong with your life
Always send something bad my way
So here nothing changes
For you old wounds never heal
Every day you grow colder
Till there's nothing left inside
Of there
Is there a time when you're not pegging me down
Shooting Down my dreams Always have to take a piece of me
So worried on how you're going to win
Can't see the real truth, the real you.
With your ego intact your failure now begins
You will Fail
I've Crossed an ocean of insults
Faced a mountain of fear
Every night pushing me forward/closer
To where I think I should be
It's- Your selfish life
Gone- It's screwing me up
Too- I've had enough
Gone Too Far
The further away I get the more I see things clear
Further away I can see so clear
Far away
Posted by yujie at 12:48 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
kem kepimpinan camp picts!

scandal #2

right before jungle tracking.

on the peak!

scandalicious dance.

my group!

lameness in the air.

group picture.

jessica jie jie!



group picture take 1.

group picture take 2!
Posted by yujie at 11:24 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
no more no more~
so yeah!
i quitted my job and i'm jobless now!
Posted by yujie at 12:03 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
no more no more~
sweat, this is only what i wish.
Posted by yujie at 12:03 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
ahhh, the second day was still.. very tired! but for the money $, i think i'm more used to it already, it's already not that tired. the manager is still hiring a few part-timer, anyone interested? if interested, leave me a message~
Posted by yujie at 1:59 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
ivan's friend- juli (i don't know how to spell) worked with us and there's one more part timer same age as us worked with us. during the working hours we need to continue standing, can't sit at all. so we were like 'shit man, leg damn pain', 'ah, muscle aching', 'how long more, how long more?'... luckily all the staffs there are nice and friendly. although the job is tired, but i think i will still continue, because of the Money and the job makes me lesser thinking of (you know who you are). -__-
and oh yea, before working, i went hair cut. the barber Sucks big times! the stupid idiot Bastard didn't know how to cut hair, and even worse, HE DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE HECK AM I TALKING. i said tak mau gunting, and he thought i said tak mau, GUNTING! what the heck man. in the end, my hair gone. i jump down from the seat and stop him from touching my hair, but that time he already cut three quarter. ahh, nevermind lah, hair will grow. =) but still, **** youu lah!
ciaoz, too tired, i'm off sleeping.
Posted by yujie at 1:09 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
tagged by jia kent
I’m 170cm tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I love dancing.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
My parents don't know about my blog.
I have an iPod.
My school mates know about my blog.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I don’t believe in love.
I heart Italian food.
One Utama is my second home.
i believe in long distance realtionship.
I still have a best friend.
i love being in love
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.Boys are assholes.
I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I think I’m fat.
I love my friends and family.
Li Ann
Zhuo Liang
Khai Sern
Posted by yujie at 3:13 PM
went one u with ivan and woon to look for job just now. plus one shabu shabu asked me to go interview on monday but i ffk-ed them, so i go on today. but when we reached there they said they hired people already. went to a few shops and their answers were 'no', 'sorry' or 'manyzer' not in. when we were about to give up, deng deng deng deng- we saw a shop 'Vietnam Kitchen'. we were considering, should we try? then we just went in. gosh, they were hiring ppl. the manyzer interviewed us, she's a very nice person and the paid is just so satisfying. so we did not hesitate and accpeted the job. the job starts at friday. sheesh, my whole holidays gone man! but good luck for my pocket.
later on we met with faiz and hani near gsc. went to buy chicken wings and sausages and some barbeque stuff cause we are having a class gathering at Li Ann's house. this is fun man. ivan, woon, yee zhian, parvin, thanesh, faiz, hani, riyal came. we played tennis and volleyball at first then headed to pool side to start barbeque. no one brought the barbeque skewers so we just used satay sticks. we barbequed chicken wings with curry powder and sausages. omgosh! the chicken wings is so nice! hui ying came around 7 something and she brought drink. after we finished all the food and cleaning up, we decided to swim. we had so much fun at the swimming pool.
after that we went to Li Ann's place to wait for our parents. and we went home around 11. got to sleep now, i'm off~

me, cap, ivan

picture of the day!
Posted by yujie at 12:59 AM
Posted by yujie at 12:40 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
That's why i screwed up all my exams at thursday and friday. i can't answer a single question from the chemistry paper 2 and 3. i waste my fcuking time to study all the experiments in the end, titration of salts (one of the activities) came out. i don't know a single shit about it. luckily additional maths was okay, can still answer half of the paper, lawl.
Posted by yujie at 11:23 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Posted by yujie at 6:52 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tagged by Zhuo Liang
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 5.59 pm
Name : Chow Yu Jie
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 9 or 10?
Height : 177cm.
Where do you live : ss2
Favourite drinks : vodka, lemonade and grape juice.
Favourite breakfast : nasi lemak with rendang chicken, (drumstick only) -__- ; sometimes i cook my own food.
Have you ever been on a plane : a few times.
Swam in the ocean : not swam, float, when i was 5, damn scared.
Fallen asleep in school : almost everyday during world cup and euro's championship.
Broken someone's heart : how would i know?
Fell off your chair : yeah, when i was young, and knocked my head.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yeah, how stupid.
Saved e-mails : what for?
What is your room like : simple and untidy.
What's right beside you : handphone and my computer.
What is the last thing you ate : baked apple flavour granola bar.
Ever had chicken pox : yeah, when i was young.
Sore throat : who doesn't?
Stitches : nope.
Broken nose : hell no, can't imagine.
Do you believe in love at first sight : yeah!
Like picnics : only with my love ones and my kids.
Who was the last person you danced with : ahsraf? i think. we dance to piss american boy off.
Last made you smile : my phone.
You last yelled at : my maid?
Today did you :
Talk to someone you like : i don't like anyone right now, nerding and preparing for exams.
Kissed anyone : nope.
Get sick : nope.
Talked to an ex : nope.
Miss someone : so so much.
Best feeling in the world : uh ehem -__-
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : nope.
What's under your bed : nothing.
Who do you really hate : double faces snake, backstabbers, shoe polishers ( chat hai zai )
What time is it now: 6.17pm
Q : Is there a person who is on your mind right now :
Q : Do you have any siblings :
Q : Do you want children :
i want a football team or a basketball team with 3 sons and 2 daughters will do.
Q : Do you smile often :
ermm, yeah.
Q : Do you like your hand-writing :
depends lah, the mood.
Q : Are your toenails painted :
Q : Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in :
anything lah as long it's clean.
Q : What colour shirt are you wearing :
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday :
having my dinner.
Q: I can't wait till :
1. final year exams, freedom! train hard for volleyball. and i can go out everyday, how late i want.
2. the day i'm graduated from manchester university.
3. play football for manchester united. ( impossible )
4. be a national volleyball player.
5. own a candy land. ( it's my dream when i was young, because i have sweet tooth )
6. became the world top 100 richest man. (impossible )
7. the day i found my partner for life.
( everything is just a dream ) -__-
few months ago i think, when i'm doing my toenail surgery.
Q: Are you a friendly person:
Q: Do you have any pets :
fishes? last time, long long ago.
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now :
at home studying i think?
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
Do you sleep with the TV on?
yeah sometimes when i', extremely tired watching football at midnight.
What are you doing right now?
doing a tag?
Have you ever crawled through a window?
yes, my maid forgotten to pass me the house key.
Can you handle the truth?
depends lah.
Are you closer to your mother or father?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
How many people can you say you've really loved?
ermm? 10 plus plus including my family members. =)
Do you eat healthy?
sometimes lah.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
don't know.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
How often do you go to church?
twice or thrice a year? i went church so often last year just to learn drum.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
dream! or someone who's willing to lend me his/her shoulder to cry on.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
Are you confident?
depends lah, not everything.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago (1998)
1 - watching tv
2 - fighting and quarelling with my brother
3 - cycling around my house
4 - disturbing my maid
5 - playing catching?
5 things on my to-do list today
1 - Finish physics chapter 2
2 - dotA!
3 - go hair cut?
4 - watch football.
5 - clean up my room.
5 snacks I enjoy
1 - Rocky.
2 - Hello Panda.
3 - Snickers.
4 - Honey Star.
5 - Ferrero Rocher.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1 - Charity!
2 - Buy a big mansion with swimming pool and football fiel in it.
3 - Buy a football club with all the stars player.
4 - Buy the country and manage myself.
5 - Buy a rocket and go wherever i wanna go.
5 of my bad habits
1 - Love to insult people.
2 - Lazy.
3 - Love to embarrass myself.
4 - Sometimes over confidence.
5 - Overuse of vulgar words.
5 places I have lived in
1 - Petaling Jaya.
2 - Grandmother's house ( Johor )
3 - Hong Kong? (travel)
4 - China? (travel)
5 - Taiwan? (travel)
5 jobs I've had
1 - Waiter.
2 - Some useless office work.
3 - no more.
4 - ~
5 - ~
5 people I tag
(i) Tan Li Ann
(ii) Annice Teo
(iii) Rachel Law
(iv) Tze Yu
(v) Jia Kent
Posted by yujie at 5:51 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
went volleyball with jeh ying at sahara field. we reached there the earliest followed by jin hwei, ashraf and yee zhian. timothy the noob ( no offence ) hafta go relatives house so he can't come. sien lah, nobody to tease and laugh at. -___- his ' timothy style ' of volleyball is damn freaking funny, guarantee you will roll on the floor and laugh your ass off.
we were waiting for the dog while playing. me and ashraf called him until 'call bao kei' ( means call alot of times ) and the dog did not pick up. finally until 10, we got him. we continued playing after he came until 11 something. then we went mamak for food! since ashraf has 10k for duit raya, he belanja-ed us. thanks dude. we went home after that.
thank god, i finally started studying. i've never study for 1 hour long since the mid term exams. i studied for 1 hour and 27 minutes last tuesday night. i studied Biology and can't believe that i've actually timed it. i felt damn happy and satisfied. ^^
got to go study again! trying to break my 1 hour and 27 minutes record. heh
i'm off~
Posted by yujie at 6:17 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
i'm addicted to a song recently. it's I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. prolly, i can listen to the song about 70-80 times per day. it's super nice man and i can play the song now using the guitar and sing myself ( syok-sendiri )eventhough i know it will rain. haha okay, here's the lyrics.
Posted by yujie at 7:42 PM